SLCB MOOC 01: The Perspective of School Leadership

The undergraduate level School Leadership Capacity Building Massive Open Online Course (SLCB 01) entitled The perspective of school leadership, is a part of 80 hours, 4 Credit, MOOC on Development of School leadership capacities and Management skills. To accommodate the busy schedule of the participants, we have divided the 80 hours, 4 credit course into 1 credit, 20 hours, 4 different courses. The course offers flexibility with options that you can partially take it.

This free, 4-weeks course provided by the PVDT College of Education for Women, SNDT Women’s University Mumbai. The course has developed with the support of the UNESCO-UNEVOC OER Grants programme 2020. The course is open for the school principal, Vice Principal, teachers who want to become a school leader and other educational managers.  

  • What is the changing scenario of school leadership and its identities?
  • Why school head need to develop themselves as school leader?
  • How school leaders transform school as learning organization?
  • How to set the clear Vision, Mission, and Goal of school?
  • How school leaders should transform school culture?
  • To develop an understanding of leadership and its impact on school transformation
  • To build a conceptual understanding of school as a learning organization
  • To build a vision for change and transformation of a school

At the end of this SLCB MOOC 01, learners will be able to…
describe the nature and importance of leadership and its impact on school transformation,
– analyze self-leadership capacities and their impact on school performance,
– develop a realistic vision for school transformation,
– explain the school leader’s role in school transformation,

Unit 1: School Leadership: Multiple Roles and identities

1.1. Concept of school Leadership (Meanings and Nature)
1.1.2. Significance of school leadership for enhancing school effectiveness
1.1.3. Factors influencing Leadership
 Political
 Socio-cultural
 Economic
 Psychological factors (Personality traits)
1.1.4. Roles of school leader:
 Leader as a visionary,
 Leader as an initiator of change,
 Leader as a person who inspires and who is resolute,
 people-centric and a lifelong learner,
 Leader as a reflective practitioner

Unit 2: School as a Learning Organization

1.2.1. Concept, Nature and Characteristics of the learning organisation
1.2.2. Barriers for learning organisation (External and Internal)
1.2.3. Development of School as a ground for learning and development.

Unit 3: Developing a Vision for School

1.3.1. Meaning and Inter-relation between Vision, Mission and Goal of the School
1.3.2. Need and importance of Vision of the school
1.3.3. Developing a vision for the school
 Assessing and understanding the context and constraints
 Translating vision through the school development plan
 Tracking change through periodic review and revision

Unit 4: Understanding the school leaders’ role in school transformation

1.4.1. Developing the culture of public practice and reflective practice

1.4.2. School transformation
 Guiding principles for school transformation: Inclusion, Equity and Quality
 Areas of Transformation of School: (Curricular and co-curricular)
o Infrastructure
o Human Resources
o Teaching-learning practices
o Evaluation
o Technology
1.4.3. Role of Leader in transforming the school

Course Instructors

Pradnya _21

Dr. Pradnya Wakpainjan

Professor, SNDT Women's University
Dr. Pradnya Wakpainjan is working as a Professor & Head of the Department of Education, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. She has graduated in science (M.Sc.-Botany) and shifted to Education and has M.Ed, Ph. D. (Education) and Post Graduate Diploma in Education Management. Seven students have completed their PhD with her and guided more than 125 Master's students. Researches in the field of Education fascinates her and she enjoys designing curriculum and interacting with people as it helps in creating learning spaces. .
pratibha ursal jpge

Mrs Pratibha Ursal

Assistant professor, PVDT College of Education for Women
Mrs. Pratibha Ursal is working as an Assistant Professor, at PVDT College of Education for Women, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. She has over 23 years of teaching experience. She has completed M.Sc. (Inorganic Chemistry), M.Ed., SET (Education). She has written a book on School Management which was published in the year 2019 and has published 23 research papers in various State, National and International level conferences. Along with this academic contribution she has organized various National and State-level seminars.

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This editable template of reflective learning diary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and may be used, adapted, and redistributed freely under the same license with proper attribution to its authors. Learn more about Creative Commons.