SLCB MOOC 03: Leading Team and Building Partnership in School

The undergraduate level School Leadership Capacity Building Massive Open Online Course (SLCB 03) entitled Leading Team and Building Partnership in School, is a part of 80 hours, 4 Credit, MOOC on Development of School leadership capacities and Management skills.

To accommodate the busy schedule of the participants, we have divided the 80 hours, 4 credit course into 1 credit, 20 hours, 4 different courses. The course offers flexibility with options that you can partially take it.

This free, 4-weeks course offered by the PVDT College of Education for Women, SNDT Women’s University Mumbai. The course has developed with the support of the UNESCO-UNEVOC OER Grants programme 2020. The course is open for the school principal, Vice Principal, teachers who want to become a school leader and other educational managers.  

Course Objectives

  • To enable the school leaders to facilitate collaborations and work in teams.
  • To develop capabilities among school leaders to build partnerships with stakeholders for school transformation

Expected Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, learners will be able to…

  • build teams and promote teamwork,
  • lead the team.
  • build partnerships with stakeholders for school transformation.

Course Content

Module 1

Building Teams and promoting teamwork 

1.1 Need and importance of teamwork in school

1.2. Team building process and role of school leader:

  • Understanding strengths and capabilities of the team members,
  • Matching responsibilities and abilities,
  • Studying group dynamics,
  • Creating processes for collaboration and cooperation,
  • Planning together,
  • Fostering professional discussions and dialogue,
  • Acting together,
  • Staff meetings as a platform for deep engagement in productive ideas,
  • Establishing review and feedback mechanisms.

1.3. Managerial skills for building teams and promoting teamwork (Communication, Collaboration, Cooperation)

Module 2

Being a Team Leader

2.1. Characteristics of a good team leader

2.2. Responsibilities and Role of team leader,

  • Creating opportunities for effective teamwork,
  • Establishing effective communication processes for team,
  • Decision-making in teamwork,
  • Executing work through teams,
  • Conflict resolution

2.3. Do and Don’t when you leading the team

2.4. Managerial skills for team leader (Decision-making, Coordination,)

Module 3

Home-School Partnership        

3.1. Need and Scope of Home school partnership 3.2. Establish Home-School Partnership through:

  • Organization of collaborative programs,
  • Creating spaces for home-school interactions,
  • To emphasize that education and development is a joint responsibility of teachers and parents.
  • Dealing with differing perceptions and expectations of parents and teacher
  • Encouraging parent involvement in school management  School as a platform for parent learning.

3.3. Role of School leader to create teachers as instructional leaders of their classroom

  • Promoting Teacher leadership
  • Facilitating Teacher-Student interaction inside and outside the classroom
  • Addressing teacher issues and concerns
  • Promoting the professional growth of teachers
  • Observation, Feedback and Supervision

3.3. Managerial skills for build partnership (Planning, Organization, )

Module 4

Working with the Community and system

4.1. School-community relationship

4.2. Need and importance of community involvement in a school organization

4.3. Creating spaces for community involvement in the school:

  • Institutionalising community participation through School Management Committee
  • Community involvement in School Development Plan
  • School as a social learning space for the community
  • Working with mutual understanding and respect with local leadership

4.4. School as part of the education system

  • Interfacing effectively with educational administrators
  • Balancing demands of school development with the system-level requirement
  • Linking with local resource support institutions

Course Instructors

Dr. Rekha chavhan IMG-20201029-WA0006

Dr. Rekha Chavhan

Assistant professor, SNDT Women's University
Dr. Rekha Chavhan, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Education, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. She is M.A(Eng), M.A (Psy), M. Ed, Ph.D. She is a recognized Ph.D. guide of Education, SNDT Women’s University, and four students have registered with her for Ph.D. She has guided more than 120 master’s students. Her area of interest includes Education Technology, e-Learning, MOOCs, OER’s, and Psychology of Learning and Development. She has successfully completed several MOOCs on OER and developed and deployed an online course under UNESCO’s Open Education For Better World (OE4BW) Project. She has also worked as a mentor for the OE4BW project. She is passionate about integrating ICT in teaching-learning. She is proficient in the use of Moodle, Learning Management Systems (LMS), Google classroom to deliver courses through blended mode.

Dr. Mahesh H Koltame

Assistant professor, PVDT College of Education for Women
Dr. Mahesh H. Koltame is working as an Assistant Professor, at PVDT College of Education for Women, SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. He is working as a Teacher Educator for the last fourteen years. He received his Ph.D. in Education, from SRTM University, Nanded. His Ph.D. topic is "A pedagogical study of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita's Value system". Apart from the Ph.D. research, he has completed two minor research projects funded by SSA and UTI. He has developed and deployed MOOCs on "Development of 21st-century learning and innovation skills through education (01)" and "Development of 21st-century information, Media and ICT Literacy skills through education (02), under the UNESCO's OE4BW online mentoring program 2019 and 2020. Currently, he is working on a research project funded by Maharashtra State Women's Commission and this MOOC Development project Funded by UNESCO-UNEVOC, Germany. He has invited by the UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for OER and Open Education Slovenia, Europe to share his OER development project results in the UNESCO OER Design workshop 2019.

This Self-learning e-Handbook-3 Leading Team and Building Partnership in School is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and may be used, adapted, and redistributed freely under the same license with proper attribution to its authors. Learn more about Creative Commons.

Let's start learning SLCB MOOC 03